

The QST Binary Order Routing API provide a set of requests to managing your order entry account, place and cancel different types of orders, get account information, track order activity and subscribe to streaming of order entry notification updates. The contents of the WebSocket messages are serialized using Google Protocol Buffers.

Types of messages

Request messages

These are messages sent from the client to the server. There is no guarantee that the responses will be received in the order in which the requests are sent, unless the client decides to not send a request until after it received the response to its previous request. The client’s first request must be a LoginRequest and the client must not send any other request until after it receives a LoginResponse indicating a successful login. The second request will be login directly in Order Entry, and it is OELoginRequest, we are the same wait for response, but now OELoginResponse will inform about successful/unsuccessful login process.

The list of supported requests is this:

Server messages

These are messages sent from the server to the client. There are 2 types of server messages:

Response Messages

These are sent from the server to the client as responses to request messages sent by the client. Each client request will receive one server response

Asynchronous Messages

These messages are pushed from the server to the client asynchronously and has a type AsyncServerMessage. For the Order Entry service, server sent only one type of message and it is OrderEntryNotification, these message are order entry notification, that can contain account, order, netPosition, text information. The list of all field of notification message can be found here: Async Messages

General Workflow and Client Example

When using this API the client needs to implement the following workflow:

Client Example

Coming soon: a minimal client implementation with Angular and TypeScript around Websockets implemented order entry service, to control the connection, order management, notification subscription and provision of dedicated UI to test each request presented.

Disconnect Reasons

The list can be found here: Disconnect Reasons


This subchapter keeps track of the changes done to this documentation over the time.


  • Initial Version