Heartbeat(0) Message


Used to verify communication with QST FIX server

Message Direction

From QST FIX server to FIX client and from FIX client to QST FIX server

Supported tags


Each Heartbeat message should start with Standard Header component(with the tag 35 (MsgType) = 0) and end with the Standard Trailer.

TestReqID - 112

Tag number

Field Name


Data type






Identifier included in the Test Request (1) message

Condition: Sent only in a response to a Test Request (1) message, in which case, the value matches Tag 112 (TestReqID) sent in the request.

Message Notes

During periods of inactivity, FIX clients should generate a heartbeat message at regular time intervals. The Heartbeat (0) message is used by a FIX client to monitor the status of the communication link. You specify the heartbeat interval timer in Tag 108 (HeartBtInt) of the Logon (A).

FIX clients should reset the heartbeat interval timer after every transmitted message (not just heartbeats). When either party stops receiving data for the specified heartbeat interval, it should send a Test Request (1) message to verify the connection. The counterparty should send a Heartbeat (0) message in response. If a party receives no Heartbeat (0) message in a reasonable amount of time, the connection should be considered lost.
